Thursday 1 August 2013

Do you really need an ultrasound? Is it safe?

Ultrasound is one of the few radiology tests, which doesn't have any radiation hazards. Its a perfectly designed and safest test, which, if done properly, can detect most of the diseases, at much affordable cost.
  • Anybody, who is having abdominal pain, can get an ultrasound straightaway, and know if he has any stones, appendicitis, or any other minor or major issue.
  • Many females have irregular periods or lower abdomen pain during menses or otherwise, which may be due to ovarian cysts or polycystic ovary. Ultrasound is the only way to diagnose such problems.
  • Pregnancy- Well, ultrasound is lifeline of obstetricians.
  • Swelling anywhere in body - Easiest way to know what it is or what it might be, is ultrasound.
  • Old age urinary complaints - Things like prostate enlargement can only be documented with this test.
  • Calf pain - One of the alarming reason is blockage of veins, which should be immediately taken care of. You need an ultrasound doppler test.
  • Neck lump/Thyroid - If its a lump, ultrasound will tell how big it is, and what it might be? Not only that, it can be biopsied much accurately while doing the scan.
  • Chest pain - You may need a battery of tests, and one of the first radiological test may be a simple chest X-ray. Once doctor sees the X-ray, and feels there may be some water (fluid) around lungs, ultrasound is needed to see the amount, as well as, can be tapped (taken out) very easily.
  • Back pain - One of the common cause of back pain is urinary stones either in kidney or ureter (urinary passage from kidney). Ultrasound is first test needed in most cases.\
  • Indigestion - Check for gallstones on ultrasound, apart from other things which your doctor might ask.
  • Shoulder pain and restricted movements - You need to check if rotator cuff is torn. Although, MRI is best test to diagnose it, but ultrasound is much affordable and has pretty good results, if done properly.
  • Pain or swelling in testes - Be it hydrocele (water in testes sac), hernia, or twisted testes (torsion), it can be only diagnosed with ultrasound.
  • Male or female infertility - You need to check the genital organs with ultrasound.

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